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Equicty...            All In One Barn Management Spending our days riding and caring for horses is what horse girls dream of. What most of us don't dream of is all of the paper work that goes along with running a barn business. I don’t know about you, but if you are...

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Scratches‘Tis the season... Let’s face it... I don’t think I know any horse owner that hasn’t had this problem, and if not, it’s probably because they haven’t owned them long enough or their horse is a 🦄. So, what is it? And what do we do about it?Scratches is that...

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Welcome!The Well Rounded Equestrian What makes a successful horse person? Is it our love for horses? Maybe... Is it our fitness level? Certainly helps... Is it a good mentor? We all need somebody to lean on... Do we look at social media or articles in horse magazines...

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About me

Thanks for stopping by! I have been riding and training horses for over 25 years and enjoy sharing my knowlege with those who share my passion for horses. I hope to make this site a safe place to share thoughts aboout our 4-legged friends. Please reach out if you have ideas you would like to see featured or if you have a post you would like to submit for publicaton!

Jenn Gebhart

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