Spending our days riding and caring for horses is what horse girls dream of. What most of us don’t dream of is all of the paper work that goes along with running a barn business.
I don’t know about you, but if you are anything like me, the long days in the barn tend to blend together. Many times I find it hard to remember what I did yesterday let alone last month. With running a boarding and training facility I quickly realized I needed an easy effective solution for managing horse records, while also providing an easy way to bill clients for services. That led me to search the Internet for the best barn management software/ application. I then tried a few products and even purchased a year subscription to one before realizing everything I was trying didn’t really work the way I needed it to. The first program I purchased was great except it wasn’t at my fingertips while I was in he barn and I found my record keeping falling behind.
So it was back to the drawing board…this time I found Equicty. Not only does it have billing capabilities, it also has a downloadable app that works with Android and iPhone platforms. I can easily open my phone as I am completing tasks and mark them complete in an easy to use calendar. It allows me to plan tasks in advance for me and other staff members, as well as mark products associated to those tasks that I can then later login to my computer and bill clients. It has the ability to store pictures and videos of horses in an easily sharable profile for sales horses. It allows for multiple logins if you want your clients to be able to access their horse’s records, with an available smart board that can provide a large display in place of more archaic white boards. If you have multiple employees there is a time clock feature to easily track hours. Your are able to create job lists for each employee with the ability to prioritize tasks as needed and see what they have completed each day.

Accounting made easy!
Your accounting files can be easily exported for those die-hard QuickBooks fans or to give to your accountant. Invoicing is super easy as it keeps a list of open expenses per client so at the end of your billing cycle you can easily add those to an invoice that can be emailed or printed. If you are at a show you can access coggins, shot records, and other health information, as well as track your clients/horses results and money earnings. There is so much attention to detail with this program. What I like most is that even with the large amount of capabilities the software remains simple to use for when I’m in a hurry.
What Can Equicty Do?
Calendar style record keeping
Competition Scheduling
Horse management
Breeding activities
Create Invoices
recieve payments for lessons Equclub
image and video storage
Schedule training activities
share horse data with a link
manage multiple owners
Track horses health
task management for farm maintenance
Try it Today…
We liked the software so much that my other half actually started working for the company. In doing so I have really gotten to see an in depth look at how different barns set up lessons, training, and record keeping and remain impressed with the capabilities of this program. There really hasn’t been a situation that couldn’t be handled with Equicty. From large barns to private stables this is the most straightforward program to use. They even offer one on one product demonstration and help with importing records on your initial installation. Check out Equicty by clicking the link below as start your free trial today.

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