Basic Equine Health. Exciting Products that can help your horse become healthier overall.
Anyone who knows me will say that I am passionate about what to feed my horse. I manage By His Grace Farm and have worked with many companies to provide a quality feed program for the horses housed there. I also love talking with veterinarians and fellow barn owners/ trainers to hear their thoughts on how we can keep our horses in top condition.
While in my travels to Florida this winter to compete our AQHA horses in cutting and Hunter Under Saddle events, I had the pleasure of meeting the owner of a wonderful company, Basic Equine Health. Tom Hall was a delight to speak with and his passion and wealth of knowledge regarding equine health was insightful.
I don’t think theres a horse owner today that hasn’t heard about equine ulcers. It’s a hot topic among the equine community and there are a plethora of companies that have worked to address this problem. Ask any basic horse girl and I am sure they will give you an opinion on what product to use or how to treat your horse. I am so grateful for the advancements in this realm of horses but it can leave owners confused on what route to take. I am not a veterinarian and if you have a high suspicion that your horse has a problem with ulcers or other intestinal issues please contact your veterinarian. However if you are like me and want to find a preservative free, safe product that will better your horse read on.

Lets Talk Gut Health…
The buzz in the industry is all about ulcers, but so often the hindgut is forgotten. When your horse has issues with hindgut fermentation it leads to stress and discomfort. The stomach is only a small part of the horses digestive system. The cecum makes up 61% of where digestion takes place, which is surprising that it is so over looked, but that could be in part by how challenging to treat. Basic Equine Health has found a way to address this issue by elevating the pH in the digestive tract.
Does your Horse have any of these Symptoms?
increased susceptibility to Laminitis and Colic
cold backed
wind sucking
weak slow growing hooves
lack of energy
poor attitude
weak topline
teeth grinding
weight loss
Decreased Appetite
fatigues easily
Basic Equine Health is Here to Help…
These symptoms can be caused by improper balance of your horses digestive system. Now I know what comes to mind when I hear claims that this product will fix everything… No product is going to cure all horses issues, but if we can make our horses overall health and wellness better by having a positive intestinal environment then i’d say we are off to a great start.

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