Random thoughts of a basic horse girl
New Year
New Year, New Me...It's a tale as old as time. The New Year's resolution. Being the basic horse girl that I am, I have set my New Year’s resolution to get in shape and work on obtaining my USDF dressage medals. As I sat down to begin writing this, I saw my original...
Roots…For the love of “Barn Rat”
Where have all the “barn rats” gone? This is a question that has been asked many times, in many social media posts, and something that has recently come to the forethought of my mind. Continue Reading: 8min Read“If you persevere long enough, if you do the right...
For the love of the horse…Can’t we all just get along…
For the Love of the Horse... Can't we all just get alongWhat do horse people have in common? Obviously the answer is a love of horses, Right? So why is it that we let this love divide us? I see post after post saying “Don’t judge me for my lack of equipment”, or “I...
Welcome!The Well Rounded Equestrian What makes a successful horse person? Is it our love for horses? Maybe... Is it our fitness level? Certainly helps... Is it a good mentor? We all need somebody to lean on... Do we look at social media or articles in horse magazines...